The Feast of Saints Philip and James
1 Cor. 15:1-8, Jn 14:6-14. Today we celebrate the glorious Feast of Saints Philip and James, the two faithful servants of God who dedicated their lives in the service of God. These two Apostles persevered despite the challenges and trials they had to endure as part of their ministry. Philip was born at Bethsaida and started as a disciple of John the Baptist. After the Baptist’s death he followed Christ. James the son of Alphaeus is called “James the Less”, to distinguish him from James the son of Zebedee. James “the brother of the Lord” ruled the Church at Jerusalem; wrote an epistle; led an austere life; and converted many Jews to the true Faith. He was crowned with martyrdom in the year 62 AD.
Today's first reading presents us with the key events in the life of Jesus: Christ suffered for our sins, died and was raised up. He appeared to the Apostles and other early believers, eventually appearing to Paul. It is upon the faith of these eyewitnesses that the Church has been built. The Apostles are the foundation of this edifice. We, makeup the other building blocks in the Church, have all been built on these foundation stones and we become the support of those who are built upon us. Today's Gospel relates Philip’s questions of Jesus at the Last Supper. Jesus has just told His followers that He is "the Way, the Truth and the Life" and that no one comes to His Father except through Him. Philip asked Jesus to show them the Father and Jesus replies: “Have I been with you for so long a time and you still do not know me, Philip?” We must really thank Philip for asking a seemingly foolish question, because his question led to some most profound insights into the intimacy between Jesus and His Father, an intimacy that is offered to us as well. Today, we are called to be disciples and followers of Jesus, not seeking to have our names written in human history books, but in "the Book of Life," which is known by God and all those who share in the eternal life in Heaven.
May the Lord cleanse our hearts from every stain of sin and bring us light and joy! Amen!! Good morning and have a glorious day!!!