Give to the Lord the best of your offering

Give to the Lord the best of your offering


Gen. 4:1-15.25, Mk 8:11-13. Today's first reading begins with the story of Cain killing his younger brother Abel. Cain is upset because his sacrifice of grain is not as pleasing to the Lord as his younger brother’s offering of the best of his flock. The displeasure with Cain's sacrifice was based on Cain’s not offering the best of what he had. God punishes Cain for killing his brother by making it difficult for him to plant and harvest the produce of the land. Though God sentenced Cain, God still shows compassion and vows to protect him from persecution, even promising worse punishment on those who would harm or kill him. Rather than try to see how we might improve our action, we often put others down, either emotionally or, as in Cain’s extreme case, physically. We think it is easier to remove the competitors or knock others down rather than try to better ourselves and raise the bar to higher level.

The Psalmist picks up the theme of brother being against brother and God’s displeasure with such attitudes and actions. In today's Gospel, Jesus challenges the religious leaders who seek a sign from Him. They want Jesus to demonstrate His power, not so that they might believe in Him but because they want to test Him and hopefully catch Him in some sort of trap. Jesus refuses to perform a miracle or do something wondrous merely to be used against Him. Jesus reaches out with mighty deeds because people are in need of God’s healing in their lives, not for vindictive and selfish purposes but for the greater glory of God.

May the Lord inspire us to yearn for Him always, like the deer yearns for running streams, until our longing for eternal life is satisfied! Amen!! Good morning, have a productive week!!!

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