No gain in blame game

No gain in blame game


Gen. 3:9-24, Mk 8:1-10. When Adam and Eve we're confronted by God about their disobedience, they first try to hide themselves and cover-up their fault. Then, when confronted, they switch the blame away from themselves. Their sinfulness prevents them from being comfortable in the presence of God. They hide in the garden and finally came out as God called them by name. Obviously and appropriately, they were ashamed and afraid for disobeying God. As God questions him, Adam, like many of us, shifts the blame from himself to someone else – Eve and also God. Eve, similarly, responds to God’s inquiry by blaming the serpent: “The devil made me do it”. It is only when we are willing to step out in faith into the presence of God and be willing to accept responsibility for our part in the wrongs we have done, that we will experience the reality that God is calling us, not just to reprimand us, but also and more importantly, to love us and provide for us.  Thus as we admit our sinfulness and come out into the Light, God shares with us the forgiveness of our sins which has been made possible by the death and resurrection of Jesus.

The Psalmist summarises the story of the garden of Eden, beginning with the creation and the bringing forth of human life from the dust of the earth. The contrast between the eternity of God and the short, earthly life-span of humans is also revealed. It ends with a prayer that God would once again make the divine presence known to mortals. To reveal the compassion of the divine presence, in today's Gospel, Jesus’ concern and compassion for the people is evident. After He fed their minds and spirits with His teaching for three days, Jesus would not sent them home without some nourishment, since they might faint or pass out on their way home. Using the little resources available, Jesus feeds the multitude with a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish. All eat to the heart’s and stomach’s content and there were still leftovers.

May the Lord give us courage to accept our fault when things go wrong and strengthen us with faith in God, hope in His promises and love of His will! Amen!! Good morning and happy weekend!!!

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