Where we have come to is Mount Zion

Where we have come to is Mount Zion


Heb. 12:18-19.21-24, Mk 6:7-13. Before the establishment of the new covenant, the people of God were afraid of God’s holy mountain, Mount Sinai because they were terrified of the presence of God when Moses communicated with God. God giving the law in the clouds and with fire was also very terrifying to them. In the new covenant, the people of God are anxious to be on Mount Zion, as Jesus establishes a new relationship between God and the people. The relationship that is not based on laws and fears, but on the love and compassion of God. To promote the love and compassion of God, Jesus sent out the twelve that He had chosen to share in His work. In today's Gospel, sent His disciples out to preach the Gospel and heal the sick with a set of rules similar to the one from the Jewish rabbis that one could not enter the Temple area with a staff, shoes, or a moneybag. This rule was put in place to avoid the impression of being engaged in any other business than the service of the Lord. The disciples were engaged in such holy work: preaching the Gospel and bringing God’s healing with no bag, no bread, no copper in their money belt, traveling light will make them dependent on God. They were made to trust the Lord for everything since they did not take much with them. If the preacher does not trust God, how can he tell others to trust Him? The requirement for the disciples not to move from house to house serves two purposes: First, it prevents bad feelings among hosts who might be embarrassed if the disciples leave their home for better accommodations. Second, it prevents the disciples from being distracted by concern for their physical comfort. Jews returning from Gentile lands would shake off pagan dust as a gesture of cleansing and contempt. When the disciples shake off the dust of an unreceptive village, they wash their hands of further responsibility for that village. May the Lord heal every broken heart, gather together those who have been scattered and enrich us with the plenitude of His eternal wisdom! Amen!! Good morning, it is well with you!!!

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