Come to me: I will give you rest

Come to me: I will give you rest


Ish 40:25-31, Mt. 11:28-30. There is a close correspondence between the image of God in today's first reading and the image of Jesus in today's Gospel. In Isaiah God speaks of Himself as one who never grows weary and, because of that, can help the wearied and strengthen the powerless. Those in exile to whom Isaiah addresses his words were under a tremendous burden, not just physically, but also emotionally and spiritually, as they suffered in exile in Babylon. In the Gospel, Jesus speaks of Himself as one who gives rest to those who work and are overburdened. As a result, He calls on those who toil and are overburdened to come to Him. Advent is a good season to come before the Lord in our weakness and our tiredness, asking Him to give us new strength, so that we can be channels of His life-giving strength to others, especially to those who are overburdened.

Jesus understands our burdens and He can help us deal with them. Jesus calls us to Himself, to seek out peace and silence, so that we may hear the songs of God’s love. He also gives us an opportunity to assist in some small ways to provide a little rest for others. A yoke is a frame that is attached to two or more animals so that they can work together to bear a heavy burden. It is a well established tool used in order to make couple of effective and strong creatures. The beasts of burden share the load and work as a team. Jesus asks that we join with Him and work as a team. Our heavy burdens, which we could not bear by ourselves, can be eased if we just allow the Lord Jesus to take the heaviest part of the work.  

May the Lord deepen our awareness of His presence and lift the burden of sin and pride from us! Amen!! Be safe, it is well with you!!!

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