The Memorial of our Lady of the Holy Rosary

The Memorial of our Lady of the Holy Rosary


Gal. 2:1-2.7-14, Lk. 11:1-4. In today's first reading, Paul shows his conviction about the equal right of the baptised Gentiles with Jewish Christians, as members of the Church and “coheirs” with Jesus. For new converts, the Jewish law of circumcision and all their dietary laws no longer applied. This new freedom from old laws was so vital to Paul, that when Peter came to Antioch and would not sit down to eat with Gentile converts, he spoke out strongly against Peter. The subsequent rapid spread of the Church would not have been possible, if Gentiles were not given opportunity as “coheirs” with Jesus. In order to let go of any negative conservatism and fully support Gospel freedom, we need to pray for discernment and guidance. The Lord’s prayer as taught by Jesus in today's Gospel will really help: “Give us each day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins as we forgive...”

Prayer is not just a human activity; it is the Lord’s activity in us, through the Spirit. Jesus taught them a prayer that starts with a focus on the glory and will of God. The Lord’s prayer is a pattern for all of our prayers as we pray in the Holy Rosary. We first worship our Father-God and then entrust Him with all our needs in the Holy Rosary. Today's memorial of the Holy Rosary was instituted by Pope Pius V to celebrate the anniversary of the defeat of the Turkish fleet at the battle of Lepanto on the first Sunday in October 1571, which ended the threat of Muslim domination of the Mediterranean. Despite the great odds and supremacy of the enemy, the Christian forces prevailed and the faithful dealt a major blow on their enemies. It was also told that a great miracle occurred during the battle, as it appeared that the Blessed Mother of God was there guiding the faithful as they struggled against their enemies and helped them through her intercession to bring them to a great victory. In this month of October, the Marian month of the Rosary, let us spend time to pray more fervently, so that we may grow to love God more, attune ourselves to Him and be more capable of resisting the temptations to sin in our daily living.

May the Lord make our whole life an expression of the grace of God and be triumphant in our constant and daily spiritual warfare! Amen!! Stay safe and have a pleasant day!!!

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