Does a mother give a snake when a child asks for fish?

Does a mother give a snake when a child asks for fish?


Mal. 3:13-20, Lk. 11:5-13. Today's Gospel presents us with the importance of “persistence" in life. The social norms of Jewish culture required hospitality to any friend who comes to one’s door, even in the middle of the night. Certainly it was inconsiderate to knock on a neighbour’s door at midnight, looking for food. At this instance, Jesus is not proposing it as something we should normally do. The point of His parable is kept for the householder who eventually obliges, not for friendship’s sake but for peace, and then gives His persistent neighbour as much as he needs. Jesus takes the parable further by referring to parents’ unconditional love for their children: "Does a mother give a snake when a child asks for fish?"

Jesus acknowledges the basic goodness and fidelity of parents, but wants our relationships to become completely reliable, with God’s help. If parents, despite their human weaknesses, know how to provide good things for their children, how much more will God our Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. God radiates into us His own Holy Spirit so that any good we do could become for us the effects of divine goodness working through us. It is this grace at work, when we persevere on the right path. The story invites us to persevere in prayer. If people are prepared to get up at midnight when a friend comes knocking, we should not hesitate to knock on God’s door because God’s hospitality is even much more reliable. We should feel welcome to knock on God’s door, to seek God’s help, in whatever we need, at any time.

May the Lord be with us as we start a new day, move our hearts to seek God and our wills to serve Him faithfulły! Amen!! Good morning and have a glorious day!!!

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