St Francis of Asisi

St Francis of Asisi


Bar. 1:15-22, Lk. 10:13-16. In today's first reading, Prophet Baruch laments that everyone has failed to listen to God’s commandments. He accuses God’s people of following the sinful inclinations of their hearts, worshipping false gods and doing what displeases the one true God. In today's Gospel, Jesus also laments over the failure of Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum to listen to the Gospel of repentance and redemption. In the spiritual world, it is not enough that we hear with our ears; we must listen with our hearts. The people of Chorazin and Bethsaida did not appreciate the significance of Jesus among them. They were indifferent to His healing ministry and were not inclined to take Him seriously.

Sometimes we fail to see how the Lord is moving among us. His presence among us is expressed in ordinary and unspectacular ways. Like St Francis of Assisi, whose memory we celebrate today and other mystic did. As Blaise Pascal says: “Heart has its reason which reason does not know.” If and when our heart loses its sensitivity to the whispers of God, it hardens and we lose our way. Francis was the son of a wealthy merchant Pietro di Bernardone in Middle Ages Italy. His father wanted him to take over his career as a rich silk merchant and therefore provided Francis with good education and excellent worldly upbringing intended to prepare him for the role. He lived in luxury, but gradually he became disillusioned with all the wealth, glory and privileges and eventually gathered like-minds to begin the foundations of the Order of Friars Minor known as the Franciscan Order to attend to the need of the poor.

May the Lord keep our hearts functional and attuned to the whispers of the Spirit, so that we would be able to listen and do the will of God! Amen!! Good morning and have a wonderful day!!!

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