The Lord is compassionate and love

The Lord is compassionate and love


LENTEN SPIRITUAL TONIC: Hos. 14:2-10, Mk 12:28-34. Prophet Hosea lived and ministered at a time when the people of God had been scattered and humiliated because of their disobedience against God. In today's first reading the Prophet revealed God’s ever merciful and loving compassion for us. God does not desire our destruction, instead our redemption and reconciliation with Him. Even when they obeyed the Law, it was not because of the love which they had for God, rather for their selfish desires, as what the people of the time of Jesus had shown in today's Gospel. In both cases, God was sidelined from their hearts, minds and attention. Instead of learning to love God and draw closer to Him by obeying the Law in its full meaning and understanding its purpose, they feared God as One who was distant and to be feared.

This is what we all need to overcome, the temptation of worldly desires, the idols of wealth, of human glory and praise, the pressure to conform to the standards and expectations of the world, which have caused us to be unable to realise God’s love being present in our midst. Sometimes, we are so busy with our daily preoccupations, our concerns for many worldly matters, to be able to realise how blessed we are, to have a God who loves us all so dearly. In this time of Lent, we are invited to embrace God’s ever present and ever readily available mercy. He has extended so generously His mercy and forgiveness, that He is willing to overlook all of the trespasses and wickedness that we have committed thus far in life.

May the Lord help us to make good use of the opportunity that God has granted us, so that we may grow ever more faithful and ever more loving towards Him! Amen!! Good morning and have a nice day!!!

Revd Fr Samuel Frederick.

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