Forgiveness builds us up

Forgiveness builds us up


Dan. 3:25.34-43, Mt. 18:21-35. There is wisdom in the proverb: “the noblest vengeance is forgiveness.” The word of God reiterates that forgiveness has no limit or condition. It is the greatest gift we can give and receive. Israelites received this great gift when Daniel in today's first reading pleaded for mercy: “We have sinned and have done every kind of evil”. The trauma the Israelites suffered through invasion and exile, was devastating and left them with no prince, prophet or leader, no place to find favour with God. Rather than abandon all hope, the faithful survivors, like Daniel, turned back to God unreservedly and they received the mercy of God. Just as Daniel and his people found their future within a renewal of trust, so today's Gospel parable also speaks of renewal. This renewal breeds forgiveness. Forgiveness builds us up and helps us to move on.

Unforgiveness causes our hearts much needless pain and robs us of many precious gifts of God. Answering to Peter’s question about forgiveness, Jesus tells the story of the servant who was forgiven a huge debt by his master and who in turn treated mercilessly a fellow servant who owed him only a small debt. Jesus warns His disciples that they will face a similar fate with the servant who refused to forgive. The Greek word for forgiveness "aphiemi" has a connotation to unbind or liberate completely. In forgiving, we unbind ourselves and others by helping them not to repeat the wrongdoings. Refusing to forgive is to bind others, leaving them helpless. By forgiving we also dispense God’s grace to others.

With humble spirit and contrite heart, may we be accepted by the Lord and may He grant us His mercy! Amen!! Good morning and have a pleasant day!!!

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