I give them Eternal life

I give them Eternal life


Acts 11:19-26, Jn 10:22-30. On this day we are reminded that at the worst and most difficult moments of our lives, we must never lose sight of God for our hope and life lie in Him alone. God can brighten our lives if only we take time to be perceptive. This quality characterised Barnabas in today's first reading, a Christian from Cyprus who in his lifetime was virtually canonised by his friends as “a good man filled with the Holy Spirit and with faith.” Originally named Joseph, he was nicknamed Barnabas because of his encouraging style and supportive personality (Cf. Acts 4:36). The openness of Barnabas to God’s gifts led him to Tarsus to search for Paul and persuade him to join the Church in Antioch.

Like Jesus the Good Shepherd in today's Gospel, Barnabas went out in search of Paul, and led him back into a community where he transformed the whole missionary energy of the Church. Today, we are challenged to be instrumental in helping others to find their proper role, their potential and the service they can give to the people of God. The initiative for faithful discipleship must come from God, as a gift of grace. Jesus asserts: “I give them eternal life and no one will snatch them out of my hand.” Jesus wants us close to Him and keep us from falling away. However, we also need to be proactive as His followers: “The sheep that belong to me listen to my voice.” We are meant to heed His words and follow His lead. If we do our best, He will do the rest. Our salvation is the Lord’s doing more than our own; but we must work with the grace of God and pay heed to His words.

May the Lord place deep in our hearts the spirit of the Gospel and help us to be source of hope and encouragement to others! Amen!! Be safe and have a terrific day!!!

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