Who am I to stand in God's way?

Who am I to stand in God's way?


Acts 11:1-18, Jn 10:1-10. In today's first reading, Peter asks the question: "Who am I to stand in God’s way?" When the Holy Spirit came down upon the pagan Cornelius and his household, Peter realised that God was doing something in the lives of these pagans and that nobody should try to block what God was doing. Although, Peter was an observant Jew who followed the laws and rituals of his people, he could not refuse baptism to people he recognised as chosen by God. Without hesitation, he baptised them. When challenged by other members of the Church for his daring initiative, Peter patiently explained why it was necessary and right. His leadership is not dictatorial but a blend of inspiration and dialogue. This process in the Church, where questions are worked out in dialogue, was anticipated by Jesus in today's parable of the Good Shepherd.

The Shepherd knows each sheep by name, calls each one by a sound which reaches into the depths of the individual. Jesus is the 'Gateway' through whom God comes to us and we go to God. He is the open gate into the Kingdom of God. People can go freely in and out through Him and experience God through Him. There is a sense in which we share in that role of Jesus to be promoters of life for others. We are to be channels of grace, like Peter, just as the Spirit of God entered the lives of Cornelius and his household through Peter’s message. At the very least, this will mean not standing in God’s way, or making faith harder for others to accept. We have a role to play in each others lives but we also have to leave room for God to work. There is a time to be the shepherd and a time to be the gate.

May the Lord rule over our hearts, send us good leaders and guide the Church in the path of truth! Amen!! Remain safe, have a glorious week!!!

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